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9 Months Behind the Scenes: Making Dreams Come True, Yours and Mine

Regina Orchard • July 10, 2024

A first in TEDx History Internationally

I encourage us all to continue to dare.

Show us who you are, with your wondrous aspects and abilities.

Make your dreams come true.

Share in birthing our news ways.

As far as we can find out, our presentation is the first in TED and TEDx history on the topic of Plant Music. I am proud, and honoured, and wish to  thank all our supporters and helpers whose help was so important in this achievement.

Watch it HERE! (She proudly exclaims.)

It was a nine month journey.

And in many ways a lot like pregnancy.

Learning new things, researching, finding my truth on how to “birth” this presentation.

Finding support, and  ways to care for myself and my nervous system as I kept on moving through the rest of my life.

Well we’ve all been remade in the Kaleidoscope! Including me, my old limiting self-beliefs and my nervous system that was sending my body into overdrive each time I went to perform. Shaking and going mentally blank are

not helpful for a stage presenter.

This story is to show what it took for me to “make History” while bringing a dream to life. These insights can help you as you too move forward into the unknown.

Woah!  ..Time to stop myself here, and take you back to the beginning.

Champ and Toastmasters

Even before my application, it was time to get help. I love running workshops, but conveying a message as a Speaker, memorising each word, is a whole different process.

My friend Ibrahim Champion (Champ), Distinguished Toastmaster, public speaking coach, and lover of Plant Music, so kindly took me under his wing and spent many hours over 6 months  to help me edit, refine, practice and use RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy) to assist me to overcome nerves.

His kind positivity seems to be a hallmark of the Toastmaster approach. Champ suggested I immediately join Toastmasters to practice speaking to groups. It is a huge international organisation celebrating it’s 100th year this year, and they have warmly welcomed me.


Reaching Audition Day

For the Audition Day, Priscilla the Prayer Plant and I were among 60 finalists, from hundreds of applicants, all bringing their BIG IDEA to share.

In preparation Champ had us practise our talk to various unsuspecting groups of people, who kindly listened and  gave helpful feedback. Priscilla traveled in a basket with water sprayer, plant music instrument, cables and such.

Whenever and wherever I asked, Priscilla generously always played, and straight away, which is not always so with other plants. I could always feel her keenness to communicate with people, and to give them the gift of her healing, connecting music.

After weeks of these sessions, right after Audition day she suddenly produced a spray of beautiful small flowers. I’d never seen her flower before, this seemed to show her joy in all the connections with people. I have seen many times that plants love to be heard, just as people do.


How My Supporters Were Essential

I appreciate this chance to share my thanks for the abundant support  I received throughout this transformational journey. There were times when I wanted to stay in the garden, not do the talk, and not have to deal with my scared nervous system.

I was dysregulated for part, or all, of most days, for months. It was a most uncomfortable time. Logically I was not stressed, but my somatic memories were affecting me. Being with skilled or simply calm people soothes our own nervous system, making challenging things possible and easier.


TEDx Mornington

My sincere thanks to Rebeccah Elise Meldrum,  TEDx Mornington CEO, for her huge support of my big idea, and of me, from right at the idea stage to now. She trusted my ability to give voices to our amazing cousins, the wise and wonderful plants. I would not have even dared to apply, dared to dream that big, if Rebeccah hadn’t invited me.

It is easy to say “Thanks, but I’ll put it off till another time. It feels too hard right now”.  But I have found it’s better to take the opportunities when they arise, and hang on tight, doing whatever it takes.

I have no idea how many run-throughs I did, alone or with helpers, as it became part of my daily life, practising and refining.

The most amazing part is after my epic freezing at the dress rehearsal!

It was only 2 WEEKS before TEDx Day, when the program wasn’t finalised, and Rebeccah could easily have taken the safe bet and cancelled me from the program.

She didn’t.  This is when I get teary. That seems to show a huge amount of faith in me.  It’s the kind of backing and deep support that we all wish we had.

At this crucial point David A. Hughes, Speaker Coach and Distinguished Toastmaster, volunteered to spend many hours calming, coaching and “sprinkling gold dust” for me, helping me to shed my self doubts, and feel in my body that it is fine to show up as myself, with my own style. This was also VERY much appreciated.

I honour the huge amount of work Rebeccah did to imagine and create this wonderful and inspiring event. I was so proud to have my son and his partner there, and friends, who were all impressed, wowed and nurtured on the day.

The staging and auditorium was world class, more even than I’d anticipated, and as promised we were made to look great. It was a beautifully designed program and day, with gorgeous people who care and are building our new earth together.

Huge congratulations Rebeccah and team on somehow managing the thousands of hours of creativity and work to bring all this together. And all done for love by volunteers.

May you reap the benefits of this creation in many ways and for years to come. You have already begun a new community.

My deep, heartfelt appreciation for all who supported me:

BradMarmion, fellow speaker, for being my technical translator and shopping with me to get the right sound cables, so that most importantly we could hear the extraordinary plant music.

Noah for making the sound great in the auditorium for the plants' beautiful music.

Gail Maree for wardrobe advice and makeup, with kindness and her glowing, upbeat energy, using her stylist skills to have me looking my best on the day.

Warwick Smith, the best networker in Frankston, and his team at Breathe Hair, Frankston for their support and hair skills. Go and enjoy the plants on the walls and ceilings of the salon.

Other Speakers and performers on the day were so supportive,encouraging and all respectful of each other’s space and energies.

My thanks to the healers:

Rebecca Rose, our weekly sessions working energetically to clear somatic blockages and triggers, and deep wounding through my genetic line. Her dedication to her work means she creates a safe and effective place to reset one's nervous system.

Melinda Jane Massage for my fortnightly luxury massages in a beautiful rural setting among huge trees.

Theresa from Tap Happy, using EFT or tapping, which I used irregularly, then at the final nervous system hurdle, several times a day for the last 3 days

Ibrahim Champion for RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy as mentioned earlier.

My friends for sharing their wisdom, humour, hugs and encouragement.


Make Your Dreams A Reality

All this goes to show that Goethe’s words are so true:

                                                    “Whatever you can do, or dream you can do,begin it.

                                                           Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” 


I have been taking step after wobbly step, because my dream is to share plant music, consciousness, and reach people’s hearts, knowing those shifts will change the game on planet earth.

It’s not possible to ignore, destroy or plunder the plant kingdom when you have heart to heart connections with them.

I am doing my part and billions of others are doing theirs,and we can see and feel the results.  Ancient knowings are again becoming central in many lives, bringing us back to our fantastically impressive selves.

I encourage us all to continue to dare.

Keep stepping up.

Show us who you are, with your wondrous aspects and abilities.

Make your dreams come true.

Follow your mission if you have one.

And watch people reach out to you with unexpected waves of love and support.


By Regina Orchard February 12, 2025
Happy Valentine’s Day dear People and Plants, My dream, my quiet excitement increases each time a person takes another step of connection with their beloved plant cousins. It occurred to me that you might not be aware fo what is possible, so here is your very own “My Plant Valentine” Checklist. It’s a gift from the hearts of the plants this Valentine’s Day. From where I stood a few decades ago, this was mostly a list of impossibilities, or even absurdities. But slowly, step by small unravelling step, shared from many adventuring and wise people (and plants), I began to have a garden of wondrous possibilities. Each date idea can be a singular adventure. You can mark each connection as you journey into the life-changing and sublimely supportive kingdom of plants. With plants you are never alone. Again, Happy Valentine’s Day. Much love, Regina and the Plants 
By Regina Orchard December 4, 2024
Are you using your plant music instrument? Or is it staying in a cupboard? Would you like to sell it to someone who is keen? Or would you enjoy being prompted and re-inspired to again connect with plant beings via their music? Recently I've had requests for second hand instruments, so please contact me with the price, and a few details about how much it has been used, and I will happily advertise it for you, currently for no fee. At a market two weeks ago., I enjoyed a conversation with a man who had bought his Bamboo M from the manufacturers at Damanhur community in northern Italy. Like many of us, he was inspired! He had begun with a host of ideas to experiment with the sounds of a wide variety of plants of all shapes, sizes and ages. However, also like many of us, his Bamboo has been out of use for ages, while other facets of life forced it to the background. As we exchanged thoughts and experiences. And he said his initial hopes and plans, I saw his energy rise, and I wonder if that sparked plant music to be heard this week at his home. What might prompt you to return to this magical music connection? Does the sunny weather call you to be outside in the Bush or your garden? Do newly washed windows, open to the warm air, and feeding your plants to support their summer growth, have you rekindling vegetal friendships? How about me reminding you that plants cannot only hear their music and ours, but the cells in their leaves can see you? They can sense, hear and see your presence! They tune into and respond to you, your family and clients, to each person’s individual energies, and give you sound healing to bring you back to your natural balance. We have run 25 monthly sound baths. With Trish the sound healer playing with four or five experienced plant musicians at each session. These are powerful, with each person feeling satisfied that their personal intention for the sound healing has been met. How's that for surprising? And the music from the plants varies widely each month - sometimes gentle, harmonious and flowing. Sometimes one plant may dominate. Or all of them will seem at times to lead at the same time., and after taking us on a journey., ending gently. Let me share 2 short stories with you from this week as I was sitting at an outdoor market. The first: a tall, tanned and healthy looking, white haired man came close to the tent and stopped still., looking surprised. He said he had goosebumps all over his body. And wanted to know what was causing this. (Of course, it was plant music.) He was so stunned and delighted it was affecting him so strongly. Second: Another man was encouraged by a woman friend to sit beside and interact with our well known Priscilla the prayer plant. What amazed him was the change in the music when he stood up and began to walk away. It became deeper, and the few of us listening all felt it was calling him back. When his friend sat and replaced him, Priscilla's music was clearly different. The next day, the two men were both still very affected by those experiences and by how it had relaxed them. One made a plant music download from our website, and the other was gathering details and plans to buy a bamboo. It definitely sounds like some recordings will be done by this very tech able soul. I hope this has prompted a few of you to smile with a Plant as you dust off and hook up your Bamboo or Ginkgo instrument. May you both relax and feel into this precious experience. And if it is time to on sell your Plant Music instrument to a new and excited owner, please let me know.
By Regina Orchard July 24, 2024
This is your natural ability. You can "remember" by experimenting.
By Regina Orchard May 29, 2024
We're receiving messages about more hearts opening wider to the plants
By Rebecca Rose with Regina Orchard May 25, 2024
How many people with stressed out nervous systems are there? Hmmm. Everyone? Yes, pretty much. Especially now. How many people want release from stress? If you are a person who does, this is worth knowing. Hearing Plant Music is a way to retrain your nervous system, by tuning into something that is already grounded in the earth. So it will help you ground. It is already a natural frequency that will counteract all the unnatural frequencies that you are exposed to daily. EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies), Wi Fi, the TV, medical and scanning procedures and much more. This may seem normal. But most of us are surrounded by frequencies that didn't exist through the eons until very recently. You want to simplify your life and calm your body down? You need to tune in to the natural world. Your body is a natural body and it cannot live disconnected from that. It cannot live 24/7 in a deconstructed environment: because everything that we have comes out of the earth, and we've deconstructed it into being further and further from its natural state. And all our bodies need to heal is to come back to their natural state. And whether that be through connecting to nature or whether that be through training your nervous system to be calm or through other means it doesn't matter. We need to come back to our natural state to survive. It's that critical. Our nervous systems are at breaking point. You know, and the people out there, they know that it's unsustainable. And if they don't do something, they're going to break. They're going to commit suicide. They're going to hurt themselves. They're going to fall sick. They're going to ruin their family life because they're going to be so emotionally dysregulated that they're going to be yelling and screaming or hiding away from their families. Their entire structure, their relational structure, their physical body is going to break down if they don't do something. A simple, restorative way to retrain your nervous system is listening to plant music. It is a gentle, love-filled tool that literally returns you to your roots. Your “people” are the beings of nature. Your body is a natural body and it cannot live to its optimum while disconnected from our mother, Earth. You need to tune in to the natural world. How close to breaking point are you? You want to calm your nervous system? You can allow plant music to heal you, to reduce your stress, and increase your happiness hormones. This began as a conversation Rebecca initiated with Regina, and they both wanted to share it with you.
By Regina Orchard May 13, 2024
Bill's Varied Performances This Week
By Regina Orchard July 6, 2023
Enjoy meditating with tree lovers around the world from the comfort of your own home.
By Admin March 27, 2023
It is our time! 2023 has begun with a rush of forward energy and many sensitive visionaries I know are on the move. Dreams are quickly manifesting, bringing more light to our beautiful world. Those of us drawn to plants and plant music tend to hold inner-strength – we’ve persisted in our beliefs, visions and missions. We’ve known it’s important. However, we are also quite sensitive. For a moment let’s look back. Like me, over many years, has life often felt hostile to you? More meanness or violence than you’d like? Too much pain inflicted on too many? If you’re wounded or defeated, this is normal, but there is good news and I’m going to share it with you. We are entering into a unique time in history. How is this time different? Thousands of people all around the world are accelerating the pace of their missions. And not only the people. The energies, the plants, the spirits. We are all entering into a uniquely exhilarating time to be alive. It may not feel that way, since there are so many critical problems in this world. However, things are changing. I witness so many people co-creating new ways to live and thrive, keen CommUnity participation and Knowing We Are All One. It’s so delicious. And although you may feel separate from this movement, the truth is that we are united by our key values. You are not alone. There are communities around the world that are available to support you. But if you don’t have immediate access to a community of humans, the community of plants exists world-wide, right in your backyard, your local park and even your house plants! Plants bring their own special flavour of patient, compassionate support to help us strong, creative souls. To my utter amazement the plant music I’ve heard has been endlessly loving. Despite our culture’s disconnection and slashing and burning of the natural environment, the plants give us specific healing if we request it. They show love to us, their long lost brothers and sisters. My intuitive guess, mixed with some quantum understandings, is that the plants live in a higher dimension, perhaps the fifth. Their actions are on their own level and they don’t usually allow themselves to come lower than love. It’s wonderful for us that plants are master healers. Plant music is a way for us to easily tune into the rebalancing bio-resonances, almost anywhere or any time. And there are even really tiny, light weight plants! My friend and I listened to her small air plant Eric that she brought on holiday with her, carried in a glass bubble. It’s the first time I’ve heard one. His music delighted us and sent her off to sleep happily at night. Plant music has many documented health benefits as it supports our nervous and immune systems, so you don’t have to trust me on this. You can find out about more, including instruments and experiences at
By Admin March 27, 2023
Do you know that indigenous people used to sit amongst a plant to receive its healing energies and specific qualities? Or drink the dew from their flowers or leaves? And now we make and bottle flower essences because water is shown to hold the shape of the frequencies – see video explaining work of Masaru Emoto The healing vibrations of plants are available to us in many ways – through our eyes, hearing them as sound through plant music, touching, sensing, smelling and when its safe they can be tasted. This morning I was walking with a friend in one of our favourite spots, a gully that looks like we're well away from the suburbs. We hike up the steps beside the creek and feel enlivened. Right from the beginning the mauve/blue morning glories were wide open, a colourful and cheery carpet up a steep slope. As we walked they trailed over trees, railings and the gully until we reached a place where evidently the local Friends group had cleared them away. I know this is understandably a pest weed plant as it covers everything. As we paused to survey that beauty in front of us and listen to the birds, I wondered what the benefits of the morning glory flower essence might be, having learned that all the plants that grow around us are helpful for us in various ways, even and perhaps especially the weeds, as they are the bossy intruders. I recalled unexpected physical benefit of blue-green algae many years ago when it first seemed to be a massive problem. Severe water pollution in lakes and rivers fed the algae so it grew in overwhelming numbers. After a while it turned out the algae wasn’t a problem, it was the clean-up team to restore health to the waterways. I tuned in and wondered at the beautiful backdrop these vigorous Morning Glories would make for a celebratory photo shoot. Why would there be so many here? “Because it’s a weed that’s why” is what most people would respond, but from much experience I know there’s more. I was chatting with my friend, so didn’t connect too deeply with the plants right then, but still It felt to me that perhaps it was for depression or similar thoughts, bringing joy and life to us, inviting us to wake up and feel. Back home I soon googled “benefits of morning glory flower essences”. Here are the 4 headings that popped up and caught my eye. “Awakens the spirit bringing vitality, fresh energy and radiance.” Also “Relieves exhaustion, assists in intuition and shining your light.” From “Releasing addictive patterns. Helps shift patterns that may have been part of your upbringing, or your family history, and are controlling your life and seem impossible to shift. It helps unravel unwanted behaviours and let go of past situations.” “Re-setting the body clock to the refreshing, health-giving forces of the morning.” And as if that isn’t enough, here’s a final gem, “❀ Morning Glory helps us accept and find the light and absorb it into the body and soul. With this said, it combats chaos, darkness, and refreshes the body and soul from habits and activities (drinking, late-night eating, lack of sleep, etc.) that do not give health to it.” My initial feelings or intuition about the morning glory plants were pretty close to the mark, and there was more to discover. It will make my future visits with the morning glory more meaningful as I breathe deeply and tune into their gifts.  I invite you to consider or to research the plants that are around you, and how they may be there to help you.
By admin February 15, 2023
Healing with frequencies is a field that has been long known by healers of nature people and mystics. Ancient texts speak of frequencies as the building blocks of our universe and also in modern science this is a concept which finds ever more proof. Traditional medicine men and women used the frequencies of nature in order to heal their people. Not only using the physical substances of plants, but also channeling harmonies of nature with their voices to rebalance the human body. Also the Indian music is constructed on the precise study of sounds in nature, with the intention to heal. We live in an exciting era, in which knowledge known by mystics meet the current scientific research. A time in which natural gifts such as sound and the nature surrounding us are successfully applied in many fields of treatments. In this article I share some of these fields of research and how I use this knowledge in my work as a Voice and Plantmusic therapist.
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