You know that beautiful, relaxed feeling when you spend time in nature? That’s caused by plant vibrational energy.
The Music of the Plants devices channel that energy through an interface so that we can hear it. Depending on the instrument settings you select, that energy is adapted to different frequencies and tempos to become music. On hearing plant music for the first time, people often say that it is strangely familiar and calming.
Turn on the Device
Moisten a Leaf and Roots
Connect the Leaf & the Soil to the Electrodes
Now Listen to the Music
Meet Priscilla the Prayer Plant, Elly the Peace Lily and an ancient gum tree.
Why not relax for a while, and feel the feels?
MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface
The Bamboo & Gingko instruments convert the plant’s vibrational energy into sounds that we can change & control. Each has an internal speaker to hear the music coming from the plant. Bamboo has MIDI output for recording, as well as audio.
Each instrument includes two electrodes: one that connects to the roots in the soil and the other that clips onto a leaf. These connections create a circuit to pick up the vibrational energy in the plants, the bioresonance.
Plant Music Australia is official distributor for Music of the Plants instruments and accessories. If you want to know more about these products and how you can use them in your practice, we’d love to help. Contact us here.
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