Do you know that indigenous people used to sit amongst a plant to receive its healing energies and specific qualities? Or drink the dew from their flowers or leaves? And now we make and bottle flower essences because water is shown to hold the shape of the frequencies – see video explaining work of Masaru Emoto
The healing vibrations of plants are available to us in many ways – through our eyes, hearing them as sound through plant music, touching, sensing, smelling and when its safe they can be tasted.
This morning I was walking with a friend in one of our favourite spots, a gully that looks like we're well away from the suburbs. We hike up the steps beside the creek and feel enlivened.
Right from the beginning the mauve/blue morning glories were wide open, a colourful and cheery carpet up a steep slope. As we walked they trailed over trees, railings and the gully until we reached a place where evidently the local Friends group had cleared them away. I know this is understandably a pest weed plant as it covers everything.
As we paused to survey that beauty in front of us and listen to the birds, I wondered what the benefits of the morning glory flower essence might be, having learned that all the plants that grow around us are helpful for us in various ways, even and perhaps especially the weeds, as they are the bossy intruders.
I recalled unexpected physical benefit of blue-green algae many years ago when it first seemed to be a massive problem. Severe water pollution in lakes and rivers fed the algae so it grew in overwhelming numbers. After a while it turned out the algae wasn’t a problem, it was the clean-up team to restore health to the waterways.
I tuned in and wondered at the beautiful backdrop these vigorous Morning Glories would make for a celebratory photo shoot. Why would there be so many here? “Because it’s a weed that’s why” is what most people would respond, but from much experience I know there’s more. I was chatting with my friend, so didn’t connect too deeply with the plants right then, but still It felt to me that perhaps it was for depression or similar thoughts, bringing joy and life to us, inviting us to wake up and feel.
Back home I soon googled “benefits of morning glory flower essences”. Here are the 4 headings that popped up and caught my eye.
“Awakens the spirit bringing vitality, fresh energy and radiance.” Also “Relieves exhaustion, assists in intuition and shining your light.” From
“Releasing addictive patterns. Helps shift patterns that may have been part of your upbringing, or your family history, and are controlling your life and seem impossible to shift. It helps unravel unwanted behaviours and let go of past situations.” “Re-setting the body clock to the refreshing, health-giving forces of the morning.”
And as if that isn’t enough, here’s a final gem, “❀ Morning Glory helps us accept and find the light and absorb it into the body and soul. With this said, it combats chaos, darkness, and refreshes the body and soul from habits and activities (drinking, late-night eating, lack of sleep, etc.) that do not give health to it.”
My initial feelings or intuition about the morning glory plants were pretty close to the mark, and there was more to discover. It will make my future visits with the morning glory more meaningful as I breathe deeply and tune into their gifts.
I invite you to consider or to research the plants that are around you, and how they may be there to help you.
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